Alur police community raises Shs3m for Martyrs Day preps

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Alur police community raises Shs3m for Martyrs Day preps
Uganda Martyrs Shrine in Namugongo

Some 700 faithful are set to depart the West Nile district for a 450km pilgrimage to Namugongo today.

A section of police officers under the umbrella of Alur Police Community from Naguru Police Headquarters have contributed Shs2.3 million towards Martyrs Day preparations.

This year's Martyrs Day celebrations on June 3 will be presided over by Nebbi Catholic Ciocese.

Some 700 faithful are set to depart the West Nile district for a 450km pilgrimage to Namugongo today (Wednesday).

The Alur Police Community members yesterday paid a courtesy call on the organising committee of Nebbi Catholic Diocese chaired by former Nebbi District Woman MP Catherine Mavenjina Akumu at Parliament.

The head of the police community group, John Kennedy Ocham, told the committee that their group comprises 400 members countrywide.

He said they had come onboard because of they wanted to give something to God.

"In case of any need, we are ready to serve as protocol, security and offer shelter," he said. "We need to participate and we don't want to be left out, we need to serve the Lord."

Mr Ocham said when Nebbi Catholic Diocese was selected to lead the 2024 Martyrs Day celebrations, they mobilised themselves through at WhatsApp group from December last year and managed to raise Shs2.3 million.

The officers also pledged to do extra work during the preparations and committed to serve on any committee.

While receiving the police officers, Ms Mavenjina, also a former junior public service minister, said she was greatly honoured by the humble gesture.

She said Nebbi Catholic Diocese has been looking forward for this celebration, which she expressed confidence would be a success.

"President Museveni gave us Shs1.5 billion towards preparations of the celebrations and close to Shs600 milllion has been raised from Nebbi Catholic community but we need more contributions from well-wishers," she said.

Mr Gabriel Okumu, the Okoro County MP, said the Martyrs celebration gives the Alur the opportunity to cooperate and that event will be a great platform of exposure for Nebbi Catholic Church to the international audience.

The Martyrs Day, June 3, is celebrated annually in honour of 45 Christians who were killed between 1885 and 1886 during the reign of Kabaka Mwanga II of Buganda.

This year's celebrations will be marked under the theme, "As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord".

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